Natural Ways to Keep Moths Out of Your Wardrobe and Away From Clothes

Most people have a pretty big selection of clothes in their wardrobe, which means there are likely to be some outfits you don't get around to wearing very often. Unfortunately, when clothes are stored away in a wardrobe for long periods without being removed or checked, there's a risk that moths will have bitten holes in them. When you're digging out your favourite smart outfit for an interview or some other important occasion, that can be disastrous.

Of course, there are moth balls and other repellents you can buy from the shops, but these often don't smell very nice, which can mean you have to give clothes a second wash before you wear them. Here are some much nicer, more natural things you can try instead.


The oils in cedar not only repel moths, they can actually kill their larvae if they come into contact with them. As you can imagine, this makes it a pretty effective way to deal with these troublesome insects. Cedarwood is used in a lot of perfumes, so it smells good and so will your clothes.

You can buy small blocks of cedar quite inexpensively; you may even be able to get hold of some offcuts from a person or company who works with it as a material. Just place them around the base of the wardrobe.

If you want to go a step further, investing in a cedar wardrobe means you'll have long-lasting built-in moth protection.


Dried lavender is easy to get hold of and there are a few ways you can use it. Putting it into small cloth bags means you can dangle them from hangers. You could also just place a bowl or two in the base of the wardrobe. It will need to be replaced periodically to keep it effective, but it's not expensive to do so.

Essential oils

Sandalwood, peppermint, eucalyptus and vetiver are just some of the oils that moths don't like. You can use them either individually or make your own custom mix. A good way to use them in wardrobes is to get some small pincushions, attach ribbons so they can hang up, and put a few drops of oil on them. This can be refreshed whenever you need to.

Cloves and orange

Since moths like neither citrus nor cloves, take an orange and push as many cloves into it as you can fit. Tie a ribbon or a piece of string around it and it can be hung on the clothes rail. Just make sure you replace it regularly so it doesn't go mouldy.


You can use dried rosemary in the same way as lavender. Alternatively, get a small rosemary plant in a pot and place it in the bottom of the wardrobe. Be careful not to overwater it as you'll make the wardrobe damp.
